Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Philips goLITE BLU Light Therapy Device

Philips goLITE BLU Light Therapy Device Reviews
Other products by Philips Ratting 4.5 Out of 5.0 Special Offer Total New 18 Total Use 0

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Start feeling better now. "After a week with the goLITE, my wife happily announced that her 'summer husband' had returned." "I feel great: more energy, more positive and optimistic, more like the person I am in the summer." We couldn't have said it better. These are real quotes from real people who improved their moods and beat the winter blues using light. And you can too. Light is nature's stimulant. The upbeat feeling you get on a bright sunny day is no accident-it's the result of light triggering our bodies to release "active" hormones, and we feel great. Winter can be a challenge for many because the shorter days and longer nights leave us simply "light-deprived". Without the normal light stimulation, we often feel down, lethargic or sad. Light therapy provides a natural boost that helps you feel better, increases energy and even helps you sleep. Using the right wavelength of light, you can trigger your active hormones naturally, boosting your mood and overcoming those down feelings, whatever the season. Blue light is the key. Researchers have learned that receptors in our eyes convert the blue light from the summer sky into the chemicals our bodies need to be active and energetic. We don't get this light in the winter, and indoor light doesn't replace this color, which is why our mood, energy and sleep patterns suffer. Twice as effective. The goLITE is the newest breakthrough in light therapy that provides just the blue light our bodies need (we call it BLUEWAVE technology). Studies have shown that low-intensity blue light (470 nm, like that from the goLITE) is twice as effective at managing our body clocks compared to other sources of light. As little as 15 Minutes per day. Using light therapy fits easily into your normal daily routine. You can do it while eating breakfast, exercising or getting ready in the morning.
For individuals suffering from the seasonal mood disorder known as the "winter blues," the goLITE BLU Light Therapy Device from Philips offers natural, affordable relief. The goLITE BLU features the cutting-edge BlueWave light therapy technology, offering the most effective, natural treatment for winter blues and eliminating the need for artificial stimulants or drugs. And with its easy-to-use functionality and a lightweight, portable design, the goLITE Blu can go wherever you need it--at home, in the office, or on travels.

The goLITE BLU Light Therapy Device from Philips offers natural, affordable relief from the "winter blues." View larger.

Features include an easy-to-use touch screen and a digital, backlit clock with a timer. View larger.

Simple functionality and a lightweight, portable design provides easy, anywhere use. View larger.
Treat Winter Blues Naturally
Scientific research has shown that the natural rhythms of our bodies are regulated by light. Our exposure to sunlight in the winter, especially in more northern areas, is significantly reduced. For some individuals, this reduction in sunlight exposure can result in a mood disorder commonly known as the "winter blues," which can result in reduced energy, low moods, and disrupted sleep patterns.
Research has shown that light therapy use, even for as little as 15 minutes a day, can significantly reduce these symptoms by providing your body with the required amount of light exposure otherwise lacking during the darker months of the year. The goLITE BLU effectively mimics the natural patterns and spectrum of sunlight that our bodies need most. And best of all, the goLITE BLU provides a natural and affordable method of treating winter blues without using artificial stimulants or drugs.
Cutting-Edge BlueWave Technology
With 20 years of experience in light box technology, Philips offers the most cutting-edge and effective technology for treating winter blues with BlueWave technology. With this technology, the goLITE BLU provides blue light, which has been shown to be twice as effective as white light in influencing our natural body clocks. With BlueWave technology, the goLITE BLU is not only more effective than white-light light boxes, but it also offers far less intense light, which reduces the risk of eyestrain or headaches that can be associated with the glare of more intense light boxes.
The goLITE BLU also features a wider field of light than other light boxes, which means that you can work, watch TV, read, or eat meals while using the light box, rather than having to sit close and directly in front of it.
Easy to Use, Compact, and Portable
The goLITE BLU features an easy-to-use touch screen and a digital, backlit clock with a timer so you can set the light box to your preferred wake-up time, allowing you to wake up more naturally and more refreshed. Use the touch screen to adjust the light intensity to your particular needs.
At just 5-1/4 x 5-1/2 x 1 inches (WxHxD), the goLITE BLU is compact and unobtrusive, allowing it to fit easily in your bedroom or your office space. It folds down easily, and because it's powered by a rechargeable battery (included), the goLITE BLU is easy to take wherever you need it.
The goLITE BLU is covered by a two-year warranty.

Technical Details

- Portable, rechargeable blue therapy light with Bluewave.
- Sleek new compact design
- New diffusion optics for softer, even light
- Wider treatment field gives you more flexibility
- Fully programmable, adjustable intensity
See more technical details
Customer Buzz
 "Skeptic no more" 2010-10-01
By Randy Reeves (Gold Bar, Wa USA)

Yes it really works. I didn't think it would make a noticable differeence to be honest. I can tell you from personal experience, it does make that big of a difference. At least for me it does. It has made a significant, noticeable difference in my mood, energy, and control of depression.

I take a medication to help with chronic fatigue and I am extremely sensitive to lack of sunlight. Living in the pacific northwest is ideal in every way except for the part where you don't see the sun for 9 months out of the year. (My partner just told me to mention that if you are considering moving to Seattle, its 12 months out of the year and it rains constantly.)

I ran out of medication the same day the light arrived. Usually it takes around two days before I am unable to function or walk very far. About a week after I started using the light I realized I hadn't even placed the refill request for my medication. It simply slipped my mind. Now I wouldn't go so far as to say it will replace my medication. It is about half to two thirds of the benefit I get from the medication. Combined with a lessening of depression, I was astonished when I realized I hadn't even noticed my meds were empty.

I am simply blown away that something as simple as light can make such a huge difference in my mood and energy.


I read other reviews of other lights before picking this one and couldn't quite understand the whole glare thing. If I placed it on the table next to my chair so the light is shining on the side of my face, it wouldn't bother me right? Despite my ignorance on the problem I went with this model instead of the much less expensive one because reviews specifically stated that this was had an anti-glare light. Being on a fixed income means the extra cost was significant for me.

I am glad I followed my intuition and paid attention to the reviews. Glare, even with the anti glare feature, is quire intense no matter where I place the light. The ones that do not control glare would have been unusable. Its like a small sun and I'm positive looking directly at it would yield similar scorched eyeballs. As much as I like testing things, I'm not going to prove this theory. I'll wait until my brother comes to visit. I am used to the light now and prefer to have it on when watching TV because it is soothing and warm. This model dampens the glare quite a bit so its not the annoyance it could have been.

I highly recommend an anti-glare model of any light of this type.


I couldn't be happier with this light.

- I can get two hours of light out of it before a recharge.

- The blue glow is calming.

- It has a timer and can be used as an alarm as well.

- The intensity of the light and the LCD light levels can be controlled.

- The LCD is a touch screen control.

- It has a handy little leather-ish pouch for travel. Its compact and easy to stow away.

- It has a metal rod that acts as a stand. The rod stores away in a pocket on the back of the device. A magnet and impression that matches the rod keep it firmly in place.

- It comes with everything you need such as charger and documentation.

- Despite the intensity of the light it is not at all hot, nor could you use it as a flash light. I'm not quite sure I understand how it can generate so much glare and not be extremely bright.

I am so happy I finally bought this thing. Maybe I'm happy because it helps with depression or maybe its because I really did need it as badly as others said I did.

Good luck. I hope you get as much out of your new light as I have mine.

Customer Buzz
 "Beware Philips Light Products" 2010-09-28
By Shopper (chicago, il United States)
I had a goLite for less than two years. This was the second one, the first having been replaced early on because the battery was defective. This one never gave me the audible warning that the battery was low, but I kept it anyway because I could judge based on how many days I used it. However, it finally stopped holding a charge and I contacted Philips because it was still under the two-year warranty. Even though the date of manufacture was printed on the box (and less than two years ago), they wouldn't do anything to honor the warranty because I couldn't find my receipt. So, back to Costco it went. They gave me a full refund. Thank you, Costco. No thank you to any further purchases from your company, Philips.

Customer Buzz
 "Blue light damages eyes" 2010-09-27
By nica
Studies have shown that while blue light can improve mood and help adjust circadian rhythms, the cost of blue light is harm to the retina. Be certain that you want to undertake the risks before you use this product.

"The consequences of AMD (Age-Related Macular Degeneration) for people who use light therapy can be severe. As reported in the journal Science on the 25th anniversary of the development of light therapy, the first person to use bright light therapy explained how light therapy became less and less effective for him over the years as his eyesight faded, and concluded "Now I can hardly see, and all hell has broken loose... I have had periods of depression lasting over a year"."

"Blue light is an important element in "natural" lighting, and it may also contribute to psychological health. Research, however, shows that high illumination levels of blue light can be toxic to cellular structures, test animals, and human fetal retinas. When light hits a photoreceptor, the cell bleaches and becomes useless until it has recovered through a metabolic process called the "visual cycle." Absorption of blue light, however, has been shown to cause a reversal of the process in rodent models. The cell becomes unbleached and responsive again to light before it is ready. This greatly increases the potential for oxidative damage, which leads to a buildup of lipofuscin in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) layer64. Drusen are then formed from excessive amounts of lipofuscin, hindering the RPE in its ability to provide nutrients to the photoreceptors, which then wither and die. In addition, if the lipofuscin absorbs blue light in high quantities, it becomes phototoxic, which can lead to oxidative damage to the RPE and further cell death (apoptosis). [...]

Blue light is more harmful if you are taking photosensitizing medication such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), most antidepressants, some antibiotics, diuretics, beta-blockers and other heart medications; you have a pre-existing ocular condition such as macular degeneration; you are diabetic or otherwise at risk for retinal damage; or you are 55+ years of age.

Current research shows the safest choice to be green light, followed by white light (avoid full-spectrum, it contains blue light). Higher intensity is more dangerous, better to experiment with longer periods at lower levels.

Thank you to reviewer Laurie Spatz whose warning prompted me to do this research and thus may have saved my eyesight!

Customer Buzz
 "Blue light causes retinal damage -- Beware!" 2010-09-27
By nica
Studies have shown that while blue light can improve mood and help adjust circadian rhythms, the cost of blue light is harm to the retina. Be certain that you want to undertake the risks before you use this product.

"The consequences of AMD (Age-Related Macular Degeneration) for people who use light therapy can be severe. As reported in the journal Science on the 25th anniversary of the development of light therapy, the first person to use bright light therapy explained how light therapy became less and less effective for him over the years as his eyesight faded, and concluded "Now I can hardly see, and all hell has broken loose... I have had periods of depression lasting over a year"."

"Blue light is an important element in "natural" lighting, and it may also contribute to psychological health. Research, however, shows that high illumination levels of blue light can be toxic to cellular structures, test animals, and human fetal retinas. When light hits a photoreceptor, the cell bleaches and becomes useless until it has recovered through a metabolic process called the "visual cycle." Absorption of blue light, however, has been shown to cause a reversal of the process in rodent models. The cell becomes unbleached and responsive again to light before it is ready. This greatly increases the potential for oxidative damage, which leads to a buildup of lipofuscin in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) layer64. Drusen are then formed from excessive amounts of lipofuscin, hindering the RPE in its ability to provide nutrients to the photoreceptors, which then wither and die. In addition, if the lipofuscin absorbs blue light in high quantities, it becomes phototoxic, which can lead to oxidative damage to the RPE and further cell death (apoptosis). ([...])

Blue light is more harmful if you are taking photosensitizing medication such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), most antidepressants, some antibiotics, diuretics, beta-blockers and other heart medications; you have a pre-existing ocular condition such as macular degeneration; you are diabetic or otherwise at risk for retinal damage; or you are 55+ years of age.

Current research shows the safest choice to be green light, followed by white light (avoid full-spectrum, it contains blue light). Higher intensity is more dangerous, better to experiment with longer periods at lower levels.

Thank you to reviewer Laurie Spatz whose warning prompted me to do this research and thus may have saved my eyesight!

Customer Buzz
 "First one I received had two bad LEDs" 2010-09-19
By Carl Kessler (Midwest, USA)
I will update this as I go. I just received and am shipping back my goLITE due to two bad LEDs. I noticed other reviews comment about some being defective out of the box, but they seemed older so I took a shot at it. I will update this when I receive the replacement and let you know if the next one is ok.

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Read more Philips goLITE BLU Light Therapy Device

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